Our paper “To What Extent Are Large Language Models Capable of Generating Substantial Reflections for Motivational Interviewing Counseling Chatbots? A Human Evaluation” is accepted to be…Continue readingPublication and Poster at HCLLM at ACL2024
Author: Erkan Basar
We delivered a talk at this year’s Research Strategy Day, organized by Radboud University Medical Center. Our talk addressed the significant impact of recent advancements in…Continue readingPresentation at RadboudUMC Research Strategy Day
We are invited to this year’s Natural Language Generation in Lowlands workshop to present a poster on the results of our latest study on human evaluating…Continue readingPoster at NLG in Lowlands 2024
We are invited to demonstrate our hybrid smoking cessation (Roby) and sexual health promotion (MISH) conversational agents at the Smooth Operators Festival held on May 31…Continue readingDemo at Smooth Operators Festival
In the 33rd meeting of Computational Linguistics in The Netherlands, we are going to present our gained insights and preliminary findings on the evaluation and usage…Continue readingPoster at CLIN33
Our demo paper “HyLECA: A Framework for Developing Hybrid Long-term Engaging Controlled Conversational Agents” is accepted to be published in the proceedings of the 5th iteration…Continue readingPublication and Demo at CUI 2023
In this year’s meeting of Computational Linguistics in The Netherlands, we are going to introduce our project to the computational linguistics community as a poster presentation.…Continue readingPoster at CLIN32
We are invited to the Natural Language Generation in Lowlands workshop this year to give a presentation on our work in potential for utilizing large language…Continue readingPresentation at NLG in Lowlands 2022
Our position paper “Hints of Independence in a Pre-scripted World: On Controlled Usage of Open-domain Language Models for Chatbots in Highly Sensitive Domains” is accepted to…Continue readingPublication and Poster at ICAART 2022
We are organizing the Personalized Intelligent Conversational Agents (PICA) workshop in collaboration with an international group of researchers. The workshop is co-located with the ACM Conference…Continue readingOrganizing PICA 2021